We are Johnny Cashew

Johnny Cashew is founded to stop the ‘detour-cashew’.

We crack the chain by processing cashews in the country where they are grown. We purchase and use the whole harvest and pay fair prices to local farmers and processors and we strive for a zero-carbon footprint.

We build an inspiring brand to make consumers and retailers in Europe aware of the flaws in the cashew chain.

Together with our partners, we create sustainable private labels to improve the cashew chain on a large scale. We have a scalable local sourcing & processing partner with a strong lock-in.


Three MAJOR challenges in the Global cashew industry


55% of the global cashew production grows in Africa. A staggering 88%* of those are transported to Asia for shelling and then shipped to Europe for consumption – an unnecessary and carbon-emitting detour of 12.000 km.

25% of cashews break when shelled. Broken or scorched cashews find their way to the market at heavy discounts despite their perfect quality and taste.


The added economic value of processing is not kept in Africa. 

Local cashew farmers and processors are not earning a fair price for their products.


Consumers and retailers in Europe have no awareness of the misconduct in the cashew chain. Because they don’t know, they cannot take responsibility.

We crack the chain with FIVE chain principles


1. Carbon reduction

We process cashews where they grow and offset what we cannot prevent. We have established a zero-carbon cashew chain – based on a carbon life cycle analysis of the Roundtable of Sustainable Biofuels.

2. Whole harvest

We buy whole harvests, including broken cashews. We use large broken nuts in our main products. The smaller bits & pieces are used in by-products we make with our partners (e.g., cheese, milk, ice cream, and hummus).


3. Fair prices

By processing locally we bring back economic added value to Africa/ Tanzania. 

We pay farmers a premium, which helps them in earning a living income. We have developed our Living Income Reference Pricing model together with Fairtrade International and the University of Wageningen. We are working on a Living Wage with the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH). 

4. Long-term cooperation

Through long-term commitments, we safeguard the sustainability of our local partners throughout the chain. 


5. Traceability 

Our cashews are traceable from cooperation all the way to the retailer (audited by Fairtrade), enabling us to take responsibility throughout the entire cashew chain. 

We already kickstarted the cashew revolution!


1ST carbon neutral cashew chain. 

We’ve reduced the transport-related carbon footprint by 57% by ending the detour and processing locally. We’ve offset the remaining emissions. 

15% more revenues in our partner processing factory ‘Mama Cashew’ because of our whole harvest principle.


We’ve established a 100% traceable and auditable cashew chain. 

We are Fairtrade, Vegan and B-Corp certified.


1ST commercial party to pay a Living 

Income (LIRP)to cashew farmers. 

1000+ farmers Fairtrade certified. 

600+ FTE’s are working in our partner processing factory ‘Mama Cashew’.


Do you know the story of the journeying cashew?

In the impact report, you’ll find not just numbers but also insights into the impact we’ve made: on the lives of our farmers, local communities, and the environment.

Download it now and discover this valuable information! Have you got your reading material ready?



Get to know our g000d products

Contact us

    Also interested in our cashew nuts, for the shelves of your store or on the (drinks) menu? We would like to get in touch with you to crack a nut together and tell you all about Johnny's colorful bags and g000d cans. Join our cashew revolution! Call us at (+31) 085-4012408 or send an email to export@johnnycashew.com.
